My Cycling FAIL: Falling, F-bombs, & Finding Balance

I started going to cycle classes at the Y a few years ago. I even have the fancy cycling shoes that clip into the pedals. This, of course, makes me a cycling expert. Sadly, my expertise ends at the part where you clip in and ride an actual road bike in the actual world. YouContinue reading “My Cycling FAIL: Falling, F-bombs, & Finding Balance”


A really special book launches tomorrow, and the fact that I’m part of it is a dream come true in more ways than one. Just six months ago, I had been thinking and praying about our generation’s need for more voices to speak life and truth and practical spiritual application into the hearts of women. More voices pointingContinue reading “begin.”

Throwback Thursday: Here’s to You. Yes, You.

If you’ve been following me on Instagram, you know I’m training to run the Boston Marathon in April. (!!!!!!!!!) Most days I’m super pumped about it, but today’s tempo run kicked my @$$. It was a physical strain, yes — but more than that, today was a mental battle. About halfway through, the negative thoughts drummedContinue reading “Throwback Thursday: Here’s to You. Yes, You.”

Spiritually Dry: When you’re doing All The Spiritual Things… and He still feels far away.

Do you ever feel like you’re in a spiritual desert even when you’re actively pursuing God? Ever feel dead tired spiritually — even as you’re trying to follow Jesus? Me too. Then I found a beautiful (and surprising) encouragement tucked away in the Scriptures. The truths in those words have re-awakened my hope. It’s changedContinue reading “Spiritually Dry: When you’re doing All The Spiritual Things… and He still feels far away.”

Guest Post: Embracing The Race

I’d like to introduce you to Lisa Preuett. When I met her a couple of years ago at a writer’s conference, we discovered we had running in common as well as writing! She had a devotional in the works at the time, and the early drafts she shared totally resonated with my runner’s heart. If you knowContinue reading “Guest Post: Embracing The Race”

You can only carry yourself so far, Warrior.

I went to a women’s conference this weekend. It was the Belong Tour, and to be honest I only bought a ticket because I was SO. EXCITED. TO SEE JEN HATMAKER! There were other amazing women there as well, and Glennon from Momastery even made a guest appearance! The whole weekend was funny and touching; I laughed,Continue reading “You can only carry yourself so far, Warrior.”

A Letter to Myself About Glennon’s Divorce

  Glennon Doyle Melton announced earlier this month that she is leaving her husband. I admire her vulnerability in sharing about her marriage and her decision to leave. I thought about making this “A Letter to Glennon About Her Divorce.” But I’m not. Because this post isn’t about her. It’s about me. You see, Glennon closed her announcement with aContinue reading “A Letter to Myself About Glennon’s Divorce”

What a 3-month-old baby taught me about bathroom politics.

Lately, it feels like controversy is constantly all up in my face. So. much. input. Social media, blogs, articles, posts, comments. Everyone has an opinion. I end up feeling like I ought to have a “stance” on everything. And, if I’m honest, as a Christian it feels even MORE like I should have this stuff figured out.Continue reading “What a 3-month-old baby taught me about bathroom politics.”

Lent for the rest of us: 2016 (Free printable reading plan!)

Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, which is on February 10 this year, and leads us to Easter on March 27. Are you familiar with Lent? I used to get super stressed about this season. Lent. This 40-day journey leading up to Easter… a time to prepare our hearts for Jesus… all He is and allContinue reading “Lent for the rest of us: 2016 (Free printable reading plan!)”

When you can’t find Jesus.

“Mama, what happens when we die?” She snuggled in close, 6-year-old daughter of mine, worried sick that night about tornadoes and the world and big scary things. “We go to heaven to be with Jesus, baby.” Her head cradled in the crook of my arm, eyes turned up toward me, wide and worried, “But what if IContinue reading “When you can’t find Jesus.”